Monday, March 11, 2019

Constitutional Supremacy

C.L.BParliamentary SupremacyParliamentary Supremacy means that parliament is supreme over the reputation. It is also called legislative subordination because thelegislature is not a be created by the geological formation n both the spotof the legislature is limited by the spirit. Legislature acts anunlimited and supreme power in justness making.Such legislative supremacy is possible only where the Constitution isun write and flexible.Three substantial feature of parliamentary supremacy1.There is no law which parliament cannot change or modify.2.There is no distinction between constitutional law and ordinarylaw.3.There is no body which can obtain the law passed by theparliament illegal or inconsistent. integral SupremacyThe Constitutional supremacy means that the Constitution is supremeover the parliament and the parliament can exercise its functions beingonly in spite of appearance the bounds of the Constitution. Constitutional supremacy ispossible only where the constitut ion is written and rigid. This constitutional supremacy is also called court supremacy in thescene that the judiciary the highest court of the land is supreme overthe legislatureProfessor Hood Philips says that,To say that a Constitution is supreme is todescribe its relation to the legislatures power to alter the Constitutionis either limited or non-existent.Actually a constitution with constitutional supremacy not only definesthe power of the legislature, it defines and establishes the principalorgans of the state. It is a source of their authority. It prescribes themanner in which and within their functions are to be exercised. Thethree organ of thestate cannot do whateverthing beyond the constitutionallimitations. If any organ does anything in violation of the constitutionallimitations then court can declare the action and this paramountpower of the court is given by the Constitution it self. The Constitutionhas sanctity over everything in the realm. This position is calledCons titutional Supremacy.Characteristics of Constitutional Supremacy1.The Constitution is written.2.The Constitution must be rigid.3.There must be, in constitution, either or implied declaration thatthis Constitution shell be the supreme law and any other lawinconsistent with this Constitution shell be void.4.The parliament is created by the Constitution itself and itexercises its legislative power being within the bounds of theconstitutional limitations.5.There is distinction between constitutional law and ordinary law.

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